"I have so much to be thankful for - including the people whose kind words appear below."

“Watching you speak yesterday morning was truly inspiring. My husband and I have opened our eyes to a new day, because we’ve finally seen into the future of what’s possible, knowing that you’ve been through so many of the things our son is experiencing now. We’ve heard too many reasons why our son can’t or won’t succeed. Marc, you’ve given us the one thing we needed most: hope.”
Valerie Echvarria, parent, Escazú, Costa Rica
“Marc … sees LD/ADHD from virtually every angle: as someone who views the world differently because of it, as a clinician who has an advanced degree studying it, and as a businessman who’s created education companies that focus on it…. He demystifies and humanizes the clinical side of the equation … in ways that bring great clarity to what can be frustratingly complex situations.”
Dr. Margie Gillis, President, LiteracyHow
“Marc is one of the most dynamic, visionary, and upbeat people we know. Through personal experience as an individual with dyslexia/LD and ADHD, and by studying the science behind these processing differences, he’s learned to use the different ways his mind works as an advantage. Marc is a perfect example of what’s possible when individuals with wonderfully different processing styles discover and build on their strengths rather than allow themselves to be defined by their challenges. In a word: anything!”
Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide, authors of The Dyslexic Advantage
“If you want the most passionate, understanding ally to help you through your journey to success, Marc is your man.”
David Flink, Chief Empowerment Officer, Eye to Eye